Attwood Marshall Lawyers’ Legal Practice Director Jeff Garrett was featured in the Australian Financial Review, commenting on sibling rivalry and inheritance disputes.
Saturday 21 December 2024. Written by Joanna Mather, Wealth Editor.
Millions of Australians are in line to jointly inherit the family home with their siblings. In all likelihood, the property has skyrocketed in value over the years. There may even be life-changing sums involved and disputes can easily arise.
“Historical family issues going back to when the siblings were young children often resurface,” says Jeff Garrett, the managing partner of Attwood Marshall Lawyers. “These issues can be relatively benign such as inter-sibling rivalry and jealousy, all the way to abuse and neglect.”
For parents, the key to reducing or eliminating protracted litigation is to have the correct estate planning documentation in place. This includes a valid will that appoints an executor to deal with assets and liabilities after death and gifts your estate to chosen beneficiaries in accordance with your wishes.
“Every family, and case, is unique, but you will usually find the source of why these disputes occur is buried deep in the family history or secrets.”
Read more in the Australian Financial Review article.