Employment Lawyers
We can help you resolve employment disputes and protect your rights in the workplace
Employees often encounter unfair dismissal, bullying, harassment, intimidation, wrongful termination, or sexual harassment in the workplace. We are here to help. Our Employment Lawyers specialise in helping employees resolve disputes with their employers.
Employment disputes can be extremely sensitive matters to navigate and resolve. Employees are usually at a significant disadvantage when it comes to disputes with their employer due to the inherent power imbalance.
Our Employment Law experts act for employees across all industries. We will listen to your story and assist you with resolving your workplace problems. If you have been mistreated at work and experienced any of the below issues, we can help.
- Unfair dismissal
- Discrimination and harassment
- Bullying
- Assault
- Sexual harassment
- Unfair disciplinary proceedings
- Withholding of wages and/or entitlements
- Workplace injuries – physical or psychological
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In this pack, we include information about employment law, workplace disputes, what entitlements you may be eligible to claim, and information about the claim’s process.
Employment Law FAQs
Employment Law is the law that governs employer and employee relationships and contracts. Our employment lawyers represent employees (not employers) to ensure their rights are protected.
Our employment law team specialise in:
- Workplace accidents and injuries
- Unfair dismissal claims
- Discrimination claims
- Bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment claims
- Wrongful termination
- Redundancy disputes
- Contract disputes
- Industrial disputes
Step 1: Contact Attwood Marshall Lawyers today for a confidential discussion.
Step 2: If you instruct Attwood Marshall Lawyers to act on your behalf, we will provide you with a Cost Agreement and estimate of costs to represent you throughout the claim. We will provide you with advice, negotiate a suitable outcome on your behalf, or take any court action necessary (if required).
Yes! Strict time limits do apply when making an employment law claim. You only have 21 days from your dismissal to make an unfair dismissal claim or you will be precluded from doing so.
Remedies for employment disputes can vary depending on the type of dispute.
In unfair dismissal claims, some of the key considerations include:
- Your duration of employment with the business
- Your employment history
- Your income history
- The income you would have likely earned in the future if you had not been unfairly dismissed (including any incremental increases or promotions)
- The conduct of your employer
- Your conduct
- Your decision whether to be reinstated in your previous position, claim compensation, or pursue other remedies.
In claims relating to discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or assault, some of the key considerations include:
- The nature of the act/s against you
- The effect the act/s had on your ability to work, earn an income, or undertake your usual daily duties
- Whether you have suffered physical or psychological injuries as a result
- Your personal circumstances and losses sustained.
There is no set timeframe we can indicate for your claim to be resolved. The length of time your claim may take to resolve will depend upon the type of your claim and what steps are required to progress to a resolution.
Attwood Marshall Lawyers have represented employees in workplace disputes for decades. We act for the ‘little guy’ in David versus Goliath disputes and are proud to represent the underdog in employment law matters. We are dedicated to ensuring that employees are protected at work against unfair or unjust workplace practices.
Our lawyers are friendly, experienced, knowledgeable, and technically proficient. We are committed to providing you with the best possible service, including:
- Immediate assessment of your rights so you know where you stand;
- Advice regarding the steps you need to take;
- A dedicated legal team of highly trained lawyers and paralegals;
- 24-hour availability (we’re here to support you evenings, weekends, or public holidays if you need us to be available).
Contact our Department Manager
If you are involved in a dispute with your current or former employer, contact our friendly team today for a confidential discussion and to find out where you stand.